6 Facts You Didn't Know About Pillows
Take a look at the nearest pillow. Seems like a pretty ordinary object, right? What if we told you not only have pillows been around for centuries, but there are six facts you’ve never heard? Check out these unusual facts about your favorite bedding accessory!
Pillows were once banned
It’s hard to think of a time without pillows, but did you know that pillows were once banned? That’s right! During the Middle Ages of Europe, pillows began to fall out of favor. The soft, fluffy head cradles that we know and love were considered a luxurious status symbol. King Henry VIII banned the use of soft pillows for everyone, with the exception of pregnant women. Luckily for us in the modern era, pillows regained their popularity in the 16th century.
Pillows were household items in the Industrial Revolution
The pillows we have today are quite new inventions. In fact, the popularity of pillows for sleep and decoration started during the Industrial Revolution. While it was fairly expensive to make pillows before, mass production in factories made everything cheaper. Lower prices mean more people can afford to purchase them.
Pillows are good for health
Have you ever had to sleep without a pillow? Laying for 8-10 hours with your head tilted toward the ground probably made for an incredibly sore neck the next morning. That’s why pillows are so essential. They cradle the head and neck as you sleep, keeping your spine aligned and preventing damage.
They aren't that clean
Believe it or not, your pillow isn’t that clean. Nope, not even with a pillowcase. Sleep is a time for your body to regenerate cells, both inside and out. As your cells regenerate, dead skin and oils fall to your pillow. That buildup can cause your skin to become irritated and break out. Ok, so the solution would just be to wash your pillowcase, right? Wrong. Not only can all that nastiness from your skin land on your pillow, but dust mites and bacteria can as well.
How do you ensure your pillow stays clean? Choose a pillow with the right material. Bamboo is the number one choice when it comes to pillow fabric. It’s naturally hypoallergenic and antibacterial and has been shown to keep allergies at bay. It also means less washing and more sleeping!
Check out our bamboo pillows HERE!
Pillows were tough
The earliest pillows historians have found date back all the way to 7000 B.C.E. Now, they definitely weren’t like the pillows we have today. In fact, they were made of stone and reserved for use by the wealthy of the time. The number of pillows you had was indicative of your place in society, so the more pillows the better!
The pillow you use is important to your quality of sleep
Whether memory foam, cotton, bamboo, or some other futuristic pillow, the place you lay your head has a huge effect on your health. Like we mentioned, the job of the pillow is to hold your head and neck in line with your spine, preventing back problems. Sleep is the only time your body gets to slow other necessary systems like digestion and cardiovascular and use its energy to repair the body. Your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep is essential to giving your body time to reset. Invest in a pillow that can do the job.
How many of those facts did you know? Let us know in the comments below. While you’re at it, use our code and try out one of our Luxury Bamboo Pillows. Your sleep will never be the same!